Vegan Family’s Threatening Note To A Neighbor For Cooking Meat Goes Viral, And The Internet Has Thoughts

A ‘sick and upset’ vegan family who asked their neighbour to close their window when cooking meat has threatened to take action after their request went ignored.

The family from Australia went viral after their pleading note explaining their predicament was shared online.

It divided opinion, as some supported what they deemed a ‘reasonable’ request but others urged the meat-eating resident to cook a barbeque in protest.

Unfortunately for the family, it sounds like their neighbour might have listened to those advocating revenge.

In a new follow-up letter, the family sent another note – this time threatening to take action if their request is ignored.

In the first note, signed by ‘Sarah, Wayne and kids’, the group said: “Hello neighbour, could you please shut your side window when cooking please.

“My family are vegan (we eat only plant-based foods) and the smell of the meat you cook makes us feel sick and upset. We would appreciate your understanding.”

However, the family appeared to take a different approach in their follow-up correspondence.

In the second letter, the author accuses their neighbour of taking ‘the mickey’ out of the family and being ‘downright rude’.

The writer also alleged their neighbour went out of the way to cause upset. “I raised my concerns of the smell of meat making my family feel sick and upset and you go and have a BBQ on Saturday night inviting lots of people, and you knew this would affect me and my family.”

It transpired, the family also saw that their letter had been shared online. “My friend Tina told me you took my letter to social media and it backfired on you which is ‘just desserts’.”

The letter then concluded with a final plea. “Please no more BBQs and please keep that window closed when cooking otherwise I’m going to report you and go to social media too.”

However, the letter was once more shared online, where it was again met with mixed responses.




EMMANUEL NENGYE, popularly known as DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is a Ghanaian Dj, Blogger, and Promoter based in Italy. DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is mostly into Music & Entertainment blogging with a unique style of Djing, Writing, and Reporting. DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is the official blogger for and He’s is the Official Dj for Martino Entertainment ( ITALY/UK ). Let's vibe on the following Social Media Handles; DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ @Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube For Business, Contact: +39 327 792 7867 Email: