Yesterday evening, I flew to Ghana slightly to subsidize our Liberian celebrities, especially comedian @Mama Liberia; because the SHOW was all about him and Liberia as a whole. I arrived by 9: 30 PM in Accra City with the intent of patronizing our art and culture around the world.
After I came down from the plane, I encountered a Ghanaian girl by the name of Nana and raised a question to her to take me to where the event where to be held, (Area Code). And this girl never hesitated; she wholeheartedly welcomed me as if to say she has met me before, she first took me to her house and got me pizza, salad, and soft drinks to be filled before attending the show.
When I got through eating, she joined me, and both of us went to watch the show. Honestly, the SHOW was one of the best events that have ever been hosted and had a massive turned out with alots of Ghanaians and Liberians. The event was fabulous and alots of sweet memories were shared among the people of Ghana and Liberia.
Nana and I were sitting backstage watching the SHOW closely while Hennessy and her whole clique were murdering the stage and speaking our pidgin, (Kolokwa). But one of the comedians who left his name on the Ghanaian people’s lips last night was comedian @Korto Barry. Lol, the dude transitioned the entire EVENT to a whole different vibe. He performed his DUTY as a genuine comic, his MASHUP of several Liberian songs on the stage could not stop anyone from cracking their ribs with laughter.
While my Ghana girl Nana and I were sitting speaking TWII, as soon as I lifted my head, I saw JZyno and his team “Rula FC” at the entrance forcing their way through because the whole place was overcrowded to the extent my jue Nana’s almost got missing from me on the show. JZyno’s entrance was almost like a president, securities had to lift the singer UP to bring him in. He was well-dressed with a good spray scent on his whole body.
Locanic: JZyno gave the audience an electrifying stage performance and narrated some anecdotes/stories to the audience about his unprecedented breakthrough. He performed hymns that resonated with the audience. Nana even wanted to leave me and chill with JZyno after she had watched his glamorous stage performance and how kind he is to people, despite his celebrity lifestyle.
Everyone performed beyond our expectations. Comedian Mama Liberia, EKJ The Comedian, Ma Kaka Son, and Romeo did extremely well last night. One thing I noticed about the Ghanaians for the few hours I spent with them is; they are very SUPPORTIVE, they don’t care about your ethnicity, once you have the talent that needs exposure they will support you massively to make your dream comes to reality.
I was so amazed and out of words as to how to describe the beautiful performances of our celebrities. The stage was beautifully arranged and well-electrified with colors of disco lights. I didn’t experience a current scare like LCE. JZyno was the MVP last night, he is definitely the face of the Liberian Entertainment Industry. Truth be told, JZyno is slowly replacing Michael Jackson with the kind of energetic performance this guy carried on ehn, he should be crowned as soon as possible.
A very big thank you to Nana who hosted me in a kind and unique gesture. The memories we shared last night have made me turn into a big fan of Shatta Wale and hoping to return to Ghana anytime soon.
Sometimes we only do some unnecessary comparisons to keep our page running and draw much attention to our industry. However, we all know that even a B-List act in Ghana is bigger than our A-List that is here. Let love lead ❤️




EMMANUEL NENGYE, popularly known as DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is a Ghanaian Dj, Blogger, and Promoter based in Italy. DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is mostly into Music & Entertainment blogging with a unique style of Djing, Writing, and Reporting. DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ is the official blogger for www.martinoentertainment.com and www.nzemapage.com. He’s is the Official Dj for Martino Entertainment ( ITALY/UK ). Let's vibe on the following Social Media Handles; DJ.MARTINO-NZEMA.DJ @Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube For Business, Contact: +39 327 792 7867 Email: Gyeni82@gmal.com